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Om kunden

byWirth, som i dag har skiftet navn til EKTA Living, er et dansk designbrand. De skaber tidløse produkter i naturlige materialer, ud fra visionen om at nye designs skal have en berettigelse i verden.

Dette kommer til udtryk i smukke og funktionelle designs til hverdagens liv i hjemmet. 


Min rolle i samarbejdet med byWirth var Social Media Manager og Kommunikationsspecialist. Her varetog jeg blandt andet deres Instagram med fokus på shoppingoplevelsen og branding ifht. kernebudskaber som bæredygtigt design.


Med byWirth var en del af det strategiske arbejde baseret på den tekstuelle kommunikation og hvordan denne kunne understøtte deres allerede stærke visuelle profil. 

Her havde jeg blandt andet fokus på lovgivning om grøn kommunikation og deres store fokus på FSC i arbejdet med deres produkter og emballage. 

Hertil kom andre tekniske og kreative opgaver i form af sparring omkring deres digitale tilstedeværelse samt videoproduktion til test på deres sociale medier. 




The wood we use in our Scala furniture comes from forests in Europe. Every piece of wood which eventually becomes a Scala product can be traced back to the specific lot, where it has been growing. The beauty of this is that we can make sure, we don’t impact the climate unnecessarily, and that new trees will be grown in its place, when the wood for our products are forested.

In order for a product to be FSC®, all the links in the supply chain need to be FSC®-certified. This specifically means that our production facilities and suppliers are also certified to handle FSC®-wood.

Scala Bench is one of our many FSC®-certified products. This is important because we want to make sure that the wood is responsibly forested, and that it will not cause harm to the ecosystems and forestation in the area where it is grown.


The world has enough stuff. This may seem an odd attitude for a company that produces design. But this is the reason that every design we make has a function and is based on everyday life.

We only make products that have some kind of purpose to them, because we believe that every product needs to have some functional justification to belong in this world.


The design you bring into your home becomes creates both personality and atmosphere. That is why we hope that our products will find a place, where it serves a function and enriches your personal interior style. ⁠

Updating your bathroom can be as simple as updating the details. Our bathroom series is made to add simple, beautiful and functional details to your styling of the bathroom. We hope you love them just as much as we do 🌿


byWirth har lært mig vigtigheden af samarbejdet mellem visuel og tekstuel kommunikation. Herunder hvordan en virksomheds stærke kerneværdier kan formidles gennem Storytelling. 

I min optik er det med til at skabe kant, og hjælpe byWirths online tilstedeværelse gennem branding.